
About Us

Chic Mother and Baby Blog {daily} is about how we are all obsessed with consumption also known as shopping. Whether we like to admit it or not, we as women find great pleasure in shopping for clothes, accessories, homewares, presents, and even groceries.

Chic Mother and Baby's blog documents the journey of two women who love to shop and in turn becomes an online resource for mums, parents-to-be, and gift-givers to discover the all different brands and products in every category of mum, baby and toddler related product.

Our blog posts covers pregnancy, organic and eco-friendly living, motherhood, fashion, stationary, homewares, DIY projects and recipes. 

Chic Mother and Baby's goal is to make online shopping experience more enjoyable and stylish

Having recently had bub #2, Kristy realised that as babies get older, trying to find stylish and affordable clothing becomes difficult the older they get. Chic Mother & Baby online store aims to help time challenged mums with a one stop shop approach, and will soon be catering for children (up to size 6).

Favourite childhood memories – My imaginary friend Sarah, My Treehouse (toy), & playing outside (whether that be on the swings, going down the driveway on my bike, having a tea party or singing nursery rhymes to anyone that would listen)

Favourite things now – My two boys, Coffee, Cooking & Online Shopping

Shop-o-holic and Graphic designer by day and night, Mina runs the Chic Mother and Baby blog. With an unfortunate incident last year, Mina has found great solace in blogging and sharing endless stylish and chic finds from all around the world online.

Favourite childhood memories – Building lego blocks and playing out Melrose Place like scenarios, Reading, Watching my grandparents dance the 'cha cha' at functions

Favourite things now – Blogging, My pomeranian Bobo, French Earl Grey Tea, Chai Latte, Max Brennan Belgium Waffles, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Online Shopping + much much more...

If you want to say 'hello,' have a question or want to share a 'chic' find just email us 
