
Tiny Teddy’s – Im addicted.

i heart tiny teddies
Does anyone else have trouble saying no to toddler treats like Tiny Teddys? I say to myself ‘Surely one won’t hurt the healthy eating plan?’ one always leads to about 10.. and well, I just have to stop buying them, as I have no willpower when it comes to these cute teddy bear biscuits.

Lucas doesn’t get biscuits very often, probably due to his mother’s addiction for them, which is a good thing, but I’d love hear of other mums food addictions. Or am I the only one?

Image from flckr


  1. I am exactly the same. My kids can take or leave Tiny Teddies but I keep buying them - for me!

  2. Oh - Have you tried the the new hundreds and thousand tiny teddies? They are delicious too!! :)

  3. they are the cutest! my boys love tiny teddies :) must try this idea!


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