
Li'l Magoolie's Five Fave Nursery Art Prints from NZ

Stylish and Funky Designer Maddie from Li'l Magoolie was lovely enough to share some of her New Zealand nursery art finds. These selected pieces are some of the finest illustrations styles I have seen. Lil' Magoolie is one of my favourite blogs, it is a MUST visit, if not I promise you are missing out on a lot!

Thanks Maddie for showing us some Kiwi talent :)

1. Minu 2. Sweet William 3. Dear Colleen 4. Aceves 5. Just A Girl


  1. oh i love sweet william - we have their prints in stock they are so so lovely

  2. Thanks for sharing Magoolies blog - it is great blog!

  3. I LOVE lil magoolie's blog - thanks for sharing


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